Generic Name: Acitretin
Brand name:
Acisave ( Medisave)
CRISTIN ( Goodman Pharma)
NEOSTRET ( Pharma Health )
PSOTIN ( Shrooq Pharma)
SORIAMAX ( Pearl Pharma)
Dosage form:
Caps 10 mg, 25mg
Severe extensive psoriasis to other forms of therapy
Palmoplantar psoriasis
Severe congenital ichthyosis
Severe darierr's
Under expert supervision, initially, 25-30 mg daily ( Dariers
disease 10 mg daily ) for 2-4 weeks then adjusted according to response, usual
range 25-50mg daily up to 75mg daily for a short-term period in psoriasis.
Hepatic impairment
Renal impairment
Exclude before pregnancy before starting ( test
for pregnancy within 2 weeks before treatment, start treatment on day 2 or 3
of the menstrual cycle ) women ( including those with a history of infertility )
should avoid pregnancy for at least 1 month before, During, and for at least 2
years after treatment; the patient should avoid concomitant tetracycline or
methotrexate, high dose of vitamin A and use of keratolytic and should not
denote blood during or at least one year after stopping therapy, check liver
function test before starting, then every 1-2 weeks for 2 months, then every 3
Side effects
Dryness of mucus membrane of skin and of the conjunctiva
Sticky skin